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School for those who aim high

What is the "Hədəf" concept?

What is the "Hədəf" concept?

The main goal of the Target Concept guiding our activity is to raise agile-minded individuals who are contemporary thinkers and meet the requirements of the era, based on national values.

The modern individual within the Target Concept is based on five main principles: self-awareness, health, skills, creativity, and knowledge.

WISE PERSON – The goal of the Target Concept is to nurture a wise person who is knowledgeable, skillful, creative, healthy, self-aware, and committed to national values.

  1. Self-awareness – According to the Target Concept, a self-aware person is conscientious, just, humane, knows their rights, is hardworking, and always seeks self-improvement.

    The process of self-awareness begins with love for values. These values include humanitarian, national, and ecological values. According to the Target Concept, a self-aware person is conscientious, just, humane, knows their rights, is hardworking, and always seeks self-improvement. Feelings of freedom, courage, strength, innovation, and self-confidence are formed as a result of the self-awareness process. Thus, the foundation of our concept is self-awareness.

    This principle should be applied in every approach, from the design of the school to the end of the academic year. Every school staff member must strive in their actions and thoughts to ensure that young students grow up connected to their national roots. If it's National Dress Day, the first teacher will wear it, and if we're talking about respect for values, the first educator will embody it.

    Although self-awareness is not a separate lesson, there are enough approaches that encompass it. The school's design, the Dede Qorqud room, the posters on the walls, the national music chosen for bells, the anthem played every Monday, the young students' pledge on Fridays, and the staged performances, etc., all serve as a herald of a national ideology. A person can be as universal as they are national; it is a mistake to expect universality from someone who lacks national identity.

  2. Health – A healthy body, healthy character, healthy mind, healthy generation, and healthy environment are essential factors for development. We base our education on the slogan ‘Healthy Education, Healthy Nation.’

    In the broad sense of the word, health will be one of the main characteristics of the modern person we are raising. A healthy body, a healthy character, a healthy mind, a healthy generation, and a healthy environment are vital factors for the development of the nation, the state, and humanity as a whole. Therefore, we pay special attention to these factors in our education and base it on the slogan ‘Healthy Education, Healthy Nation.’

    The equipment used in the school, the color of the walls, the lighting, the emphasis on sports, monitoring the proper seating of young students, hygiene, and other aspects are important for a healthy body, but the primary side of education, upbringing, is the core of moral health. The healthy relationships formed among teachers directly influence the young students.

    Ensuring that young students maintain a friendly relationship with each other, respect the environment, and form sincere connections among themselves is the essence of moral health. To achieve this, we instill in our young students a culture of making mistakes, helping, understanding, protesting, and forgiving, working towards raising them as healthy-minded individuals.

  3. Skillful – A self-aware, healthy individual becomes skillful and can provide a quality life for those around them. They have the ability to learn independently, innovate, and express their ideas clearly.

    The past, present, and future of the world have been built by skillful people, and they will continue to be the builders of tomorrow. When a self-aware, healthy person is skillful, their ability to create additional value increases. Through the value they create, they ensure a quality life for themselves and those around them. In our view, skill is a broad concept that includes imagination, initiative, independent learning, innovation, and the ability to use technology and express ideas clearly through speech.

  4. Creative – A creative person identifies and develops their aesthetic, artistic, technical, and scientific skills, approaching problems with a new perspective and finding original solutions.

    We believe that all people are born with a creative spirit. A person who identifies and develops their creative tendencies—whether aesthetic, artistic, technical, or scientific—will be able to approach problems with fresh eyes and find original solutions. We provide the necessary environment for our people to unlock and further develop their creative potential.

  5. Knowledgeable – A self-aware, healthy, skillful, and creative person needs scientific knowledge to navigate the objective world effectively. Knowledge is the foundation for implementing other skills.

    A self-aware, healthy, skillful, and creative person needs scientific knowledge to organize their activities in the objective world effectively. Knowledge comes from inquiry, and inquiry arises from curiosity. A knowledgeable person gains awareness and knowledge by researching, questioning, and applying what they learn to solve problems. Today, we refer to the laws and principles of science, economics, and management to make informed decisions in any field. Knowledge is the foundation upon which our other skills become effective. In the age of information, being knowledgeable and using that knowledge to protect and develop both universal and national values, as well as to address pressing problems, is a duty of humanity.

The goal of the Target Concept is to raise individuals who embrace the national and universal values of the near future—who are healthy, skillful, creative, and knowledgeable so that they may contribute to their nation and humanity as wise individuals.